Research started – Knowledge of young people about the European Parliament and involvement in political processes!

We are proud to announce that first activity in the frame of this project has just begun! Together with our project consortium under supervision of lead partner for this work package, DKolektiv from Croatia we developed a research survey to find out more about young people perception of EU, its institutions and in general their involvement in political processes.

We aim to have 250 respondents from each participating country, after which we will summarize the output of this research activity which will serve us as a base for the follow up focus group activity.

Below you can check out our survey and we invite you to give your answers as well:

Survey for Lithuania
Survey for Croatia
Survey for Italy
Survey for Portugal

We expect to finalize this activity by the end of March 2023 so we have enough time to create a report of the research activity and prepare questions for the focus group activity which should be implemented by all consortium within month of April 2023.