Kick-off meeting of the Y2EU project happened in Kaunas!

The 1st Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the “Youth2EUrope” [Y2EU] project happened the first week of December in Kaunas, Lithuania!

During the productive kick-off meeting partners had an opportunity to get to know each organization better, also, to discuss and plan the foreseen activities of the project that will be implemented in the next two years. The first day of the kick-off meeting was dedicated for the discussions and planning the upcoming events such as, youth meeting, awareness campaigns, simulations of the European Parliament. Additionally, DKolektiv presented the guidelines for the survey aiming to analyze what young people know about European Parliament, what is the youth political engagement in the territories of the project partners, by enrolling youth from 4 participating countries.

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to the Communication strategy and Visual Identity Guidelines of the Y2EU project which was presented by the DYPALL Network. Lastly, Glocal Factory introduced partners with the project Quality Monitoring and Evaluation plan.

The Y2EU project has three main objectives:

1. Contribute to a more politically-aware, politically-engaged generation by analyzing youth knowledge on European Parliament and level of political engagement in the territories of the project partners.

2. Familiarize youth with the workings of the European institutions, focusing on European Parliament, and bring institutions closer to the citizens they represent and work for.

3. Provide knowledge and space for youth to discuss democracy, fundamental rights, European values and to express their views by actually experiencing decision-making process through the simulation.

The Y2EU project involves 4 organizations:

Mano Europa (Lithuania) – Project Coordinator

DKolektiv (Croatia)

Glocal Factory (Italy)

DYPALL Network (Portugal)

The project is co-funded by the European Commission under Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) programme.